Flirty Text Message Strategies

1. Avoid boring and being predictable. The most sexy crime you can commit is being monotonous and boring. Text messages should be entertaining and interesting. If you can't think of anything fun or interesting to say, then you probably should not text her at all.For example, you shouldn't start a text conversation with messages as boring as "Hey :)" or "How are you doing today?" It's just insinuation. You're bound to receive those messages from every guy you meet, so try something new. Make it a bit unique to offer her an incentive. For example, "You totally cheated at football the other night." I want an opportunity to play again.

2. Make it personal. Sometimes text messages can be a bit personal. This will build confidence between you. Send her her name as an email. This makes the message more personal and interesting. It's also possible to name her in honor of the name of a particular nickname. It makes it feel like you two are having an intimate conversation. In your messages, you should use the terms "us" and "we". This gives an "me against the world" feeling that girls love.

3. You can praise her. For example, "Wow, I love your hair today! It's gorgeous!" It's quite simple-girls love to be complimented and it makes them feel valued and appreciated. It's possible to incorporate compliments into your messages if it's possible. Make use of a classic and powerful phrase like "I can't help but think about you when I see you in your black and blue dress" or something more distinctive such as "you have a quirky sense of humor --but I love it." Be sure that the compliment is genuine -don't make a statement you don't intend to just to get on her nice side. You can tell when someone is fake or not. See this message to someone special for more.

4. Be be mysterious. It's acceptable to be a little mysterious in your text messages. You want her to feel that she's following you and not the other way around. Avoid sending lengthy messages that detail every dull thing of your day-to-day life to her, as an example when she inquires what you did today. You might try something such as "It's quite bizarre, actually." I am always amazed by my friends and colleagues. I'm sure she'll be interested and ask for additional details in her next message. If she wants to know what your plans for this weekend, don't give too much information (unless you're planning on making truly exciting plans). Telling her she is going to spend the weekend working to finish a paper that has to be done by Monday won't make her feel good. Tell her that you're going to take on a dragon or any other strange creature. It doesn't have to be true.

5.Tease her just a little. Teasing can be a great flirting technique. It builds an intimacy between you without becoming too serious. As mentioned before calling your girl an adorable nickname (one that is only used by you) is a good method to mock her without offending her. You can make use of phrases such as "freckles", or "little miss perfection" to make fun of your girl. Tease her about something she said or did the last time you hung out with each other. You could, for example you could tell her that she's had a Coke. However, don't pour it out of your mouth the same way you did the last time. This is called call-back comedy. It makes you think of a time where you had fun together. It makes her think positively about your relationship. Your relationship with text messages could be ruined fast if you're rude or rude.

6 Try to be a bit provocative. Of course, no text flirting relationship is incomplete without a touch of flirting to keep things interesting. You could also ask her what kind of dress she's wearing. Another good technique is to take an innocent statement from her and then misinterpret it as something sexual. For instance she says "I cannot believe the length of it!" (referring to a movie or something equally innocuous) you could respond by saying "that's what she said". It's okay to say that you just got out of the shower if you're feeling a bit anxious about dating. If she responds with a sexually flirtatious response (like "dang I'd like to meet you"), you will realize that she's interested in the idea. Have a look at this beautiful and romantic love text for recommendations.

Text Flirting Etiquette
1. Make sure your messages are short and to the point. Text messages with long text messages can be boring and will make you appear eager. Your messages should be kept short and sweet, no longer than two to three paragraphs. Try to make each message funny, clever or sweet. Flirting should not be limited to a conversation about the weather.

2. Send the same number messages. Each texting relationship should display the same amount of equality. It is not appropriate for anyone to be more active than the other. If you send too many texts, it can make you appear too eager and accessible. You will be perceived as if you're coming off as too much, which could cause her to lose interest or freak out. If you don't send enough messages however could make you appear uninterested, or cause her to believe that you're texting several girls at the same time. If this is your situation, you could be viewed as a loser. Sending a similar number of text messages to her is an effective method to maintain a even balance. It is also important to pay attention to who initiates and concludes each text exchange. If possible, you want to alternate.

3. Make sure you are careful when spelling and grammar. Text messages should convey the impression you are clever and smart. It can be hard to accomplish this if your name is not "txtin-lyk dis". Teenagers aren't required to worry about this, but those over 18 must be more cautious about spelling and grammar.
You don't need an extensive dictionary to look intelligent. Simply go through the text you're about to send to check for any obvious misspellings or typos. Punctuation can have a huge effect on how your text is perceived. For example, if your girl sends you a picture of herself in a new dress, "wow!" sounds a lot more enthusiastic than just "wow", while "I like it" ..." is a lot more flirty and sexy than "I like it". It is not advisable to go overboard with emoticons. While they can be highly effective when properly used but they can also become a bit juvenile when used frequently. Check out this romantic words to express love for more.

4. Don't let the conversation continue to drag on. It's important to know how to end a dead conversation. [8] If you leave your phone inactive for too long it's easy to lose out on interesting things and turn the conversation into a bore. It is important to stop the conversation before reaching the point where you'll make her want more. Try to end with something cute and flirty such as "gotta go, baby, I'll talk to you next week. Don't get in any trouble without my permission!" Or "Time to sleep I'm gonna get my beauty sleep." We are looking at the possibility of seeing you in your fantasy world!

5. Text-based flirting should not be used in lieu of actual flirting. Text flirting is best used between actual, live-in flirting sessions. Texting is great for certain aspects, but nothing beats the spontaneity of being flirty in person. Your text chats can be used to plan your next date with a casual friend or plan your next gathering. This gives your texts meaning and is something you and your partner enjoy. It's likely to be the case that things like eye contact, sparkling smiles and a good brush of your arm can be more effective than a lot of words that appear on a computer screen.

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